
Showing posts from 2019

MOONLIGHT - Aleksandar Georgiev and Dario Barreto Damas / Александар Георгиев и Дарио Барето Дамас

macedonian>>>> MOONLIGHT Choreography and performance by Aleksandar Georgiev and Darío Barreto Damas. Dramaturgy by Nina Gojić. Sound Design by Emilian Gatsov – Elbi Graphic Design by Nemanja Trajkovikj Trailer created by Gjorgji Despodov I think you think I think about you when you think I think you think about me, and that’s so cool. And sometimes, I think I think you think about me while you think you think I think about you. Even that it’s so fucking cool. MOONLIGHT is a choreographic project focused on poetic structures, a staged exploration of dispersed meanings, a malleable reality. This proposal rediscovers persistently established identities, unfolding and queering normativity. MOONLIGHT functions as a quick machinery of change and disruption. MOONLIGHT plays with Disney heritage, dislocating its known dispositions and understandings. MOONLIGHT is A moon and its light. Centrifugal disruption, a punk symphony of the recogniz

FIGURE - Viktorija Ilioska / Викторија Илиоска

macedonian>>>> FIGURE  PREMIERE 22 December, 20h, Kino Kultura Choreographed and performed by Viktorija Ilioska Performance made in conversation between Viktorija and Nastya Dzyuban, Ivana Ivkovic, Filomena Krause, Elena Risteska, Nemanja Trajkovic "Figure" is asking 100 questions trying to discover your identity. "How come that you’ve come where you’ve come" is truly important but "Who will be after" is the essential matter of affects, circumstances and... time! Give her your time, she will heal all your political sins and convert you! You will become Viktorija! "Figure" is the first solo work that Viktorija performs in Macedonia. Currently, she is doing her master studies at Applied theater studies in Giessen, Germany after finishing at the Faculty of Music art - Ballet pedagogy in Skopje. Production: Lokomotiva-Centar for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture within the frame of the project “What is choreog

Dream State - Valentino Apostolovski / Валентино Апостоловски

macedonian>>>> Dream State Lokomotiva – The Center for new initiatives in art and culture from Skopje, under the project “What is Choreography?” Choreography: Valentino Apostolovski Music: Victor Apostolovski Poster design: Vladimir Lukash A state of reduced consciousness, in which the environment is perceived as in a dream. The unknown and uncertainty, that is, the knowledge of “what is coming,” makes us vulnerable and frightened. It’s okay if we are afraid, accepting vulnerability is a virtue that does not make it open to changes and everything that is happening around us. Flickr link: Facebook link: macedonian>> Dream State Локомотива– Центарот за нови иницијативи во уметноста и културата од Скопје во рамките на проектот „Што е кореографија?“ Кореографија: Валентино Апостоловски Музика: Виктор Апостоловски Дизајн на плакат: Владим